
Which Of The Following Is Not A Derived Trait That Is Shared By All Animals?

Introduction to Cladogram Construction

Grade & Discipline

Life Science Grades: 9-12

Time Requirements

Prep15 min

Activenessxxx-45 min

Instructor Prep: 15 min
Student Activity: 30-45 min

Essential Question

How is empirical prove of common ancestry and evolutionary relationships identified and represented amid several species?

Activity Objectives

  1. Place derived characteristics for several species of animals to utilise as a line of evidence for common ancestry.
  2. Construct a cladogram based on the show of derived characteristics to illustrate common ancestry.

Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS)

This activity tin can assist y'all build toward the post-obit dimensions of the NGSS:

HS-LS4-ane. Communicate scientific data that common beginnings and biological evolution are supported by multiple lines of empirical prove.

Scientific discipline and Engineering science Practices

Obtaining, Evaluating,and Communication Data

  • Communicate scientific data well-well-nigh processes or phenomenon in multiple formats, including graphically and textually.

Disciplinary Cadre Ideas

LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity

  • The ongoing branching that produces multiple lines of descent tin be inferred by comparing Dna sequences, differences in amino acid sequences, and from anatomical and embryological evidence.

Crosscutting Concepts


  • Dissimilar patterns may be observed at each of the scales at which a organization is studied and can provide evidence for causality in explanations of phenomena.

Instructor Training and Disposal

Re-create or mail service service educatee pages. Have the pictures of phenomena prepare to prove or project. No disposal required.


  1. Student: A. Reply to the miracle question.
    Are these animals related? Explain the testify behind your reasoning.
  1. Teacher: Miracle: Agree upwardly or project the picture of a canis familiaris, wolf, and bear. Inquire students if the animals are related. Let them share their thoughts and jot downward ideas to revisit afterwards the activeness (3 to 5 minutes).
  1. B. Identify common and derived characteristics.

    1. For each beast, list as many characteristics of that animal as yous tin can. If you know something about the physiology of the animate being (that information technology lays eggs, for example), listing that as well.
    2. Beyond all of the animals, color-lawmaking the traits. For example, if each beast has a backbone, colour or highlight backbone in the same color. Cull a second colour for other traits shared by the animals.
    3. Circumvolve the trait that separates each beast from the balance.

  1. Give students a hint about the kinds of traits that may be important, such as:
    • Legs
    • Number of appendages
    • If the fauna lays eggs or gives live nativity
    • If the beast has hair, scales, feathers, or just skin
  1. C. Create a characteristics chart.
    four. List the traits you lot identified across the acme row of the chart. List the animals in the far left column.
    five. Utilise an Ten if the animal has the trait and an O if the animal does not accept the trait.
    6. Tally how many yes marks there are for each characteristic.
    Annotation: The characteristics with a higher number of yes marks are ancestral characteristics considering they are shared by many animals. Those traits with fewer yes marks are derived characteristics and evolved after.
  1. Circulate to see if the charts are being constructed correctly.
  1. D. Create a concentric circumvolve diagram.
    vii. Depict a multi-circular diagram. Yous will demand as many circles as there are unique characteristics.
    viii. On the outside, starting time with the characteristic that is shared by all the animals. (Make this a large circumvolve.)
    9. Within each circumvolve, write the species that has only that set of characteristics.
  1. Remind students that the fauna in the inner circumvolve shares traits with all of the other animals. The animate beingness on the outer circle does not share traits.
    Remind students that the brute with the least number of shared bequeathed traits will exist to the left and the brute with the greatest number of shared traits to the right.
  1. E. Create a cladogram.
    ten. Using the chart to a higher place, transfer the data on the derived characteristics to the chief line, or limb, on the cladogram. eleven. Using the diagram, write the species on the branches
  1. Share cladograms at the end of Office Due east.
    Have students talk over any changes they fabricated to their initial thoughts on the ancestry of dogs, wolves, and bears. You may even want to prove or accept them investigate the scientific proper noun for each.

Data and Observations

Educatee answers may vary.

B. Identification of mutual and derived traits

data and observations chart B

C. Nautical chart

data and observations chart C

D. Concentric circle diagram

E. Cladogram

Analysis & Give-and-take

  1. Using consummate sentences, explain why you put each species where you did on the cladogram. What is the empirical comport witness that led to the placement of each brute?

    Answers will vary depending on the traits selected, simply all empirical testify should be associated with an anatomical, physiological, or genetic trait of the animal.

  2. Co-ordinate to your cladogram and derived characteristics chart, which species are more closely related and share the almost traits? What bear witness supports your merits?

    Species more than closely related will exist closer on the limb, and they will share more than mutual traits. In this case, rhinos and owls are more than closely related.

  3. Co-ordinate to your cladogram, what is the nearly distant derived feature? What prove supports your claim?

    The oldest derived characteristics are lungs and/or legs. All of the animals have backbones, and the next trait to separate species is the presence of lungs and/or legs.

  4. Use the same process and decide the common ancestry betwixt dogs, wolves, and bears.

    Answers volition vary. Size, hibernation, or pack/solitary lifestyle may be distinguishing factors for students. They should produce a listing of very similar traits amongst the species. All 3 species take a courage, fur, large canine teeth, and give nativity to alive young.

  5. Explain if the evidence matches your initial thinking nigh the common beginnings among dogs, wolves, and bears.

    Answers will vary. Virtually students will not think that bears, dogs, and wolves are related. Most will recognize that dogs and wolves are closely related.

    Scientific names
    Domestic canis familiaris: Canis familiaris
    Greyness wolf: Canis lupus
    Brown conduct: Ursus arctos

    Bears and wolves divide evolutionarily about xl million years agone. Test of both families' teeth propose how similar the two species are. Bears are larger, accept smaller ears, and tend to be solitary. Dogs have smaller bodies and mostly are social animals. Their nomenclature is the same through the suborder Caniformia: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, and Suborder Caniformia. The families are different. Dogs and wolves are family Canidae, and bears are family Ursidae.


    Are these animals related? What do yous lot remember?

*Next Generation Science Standards® is a registered trademark of Reach. Neither Reach nor the pb states and partners that developed the Side by side Generation Science Standards were involved in the production of, and do non endorse, these products.

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