
How Far From Windsor Gardens Denver To Post 1 American Legion

From the Commander

Post 1 ushered out summer and escorted in fall allowing for warm temperatures and cooler nights. September and October were busy with many activities.

Post 1 had one of our members honored as Glen Stenson was chosen to attend ceremonies at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 2021. Accompanied by his wife Mart, Glen will leave Denver on December 2, and spend a week with other WWII veterans. The January Reveille will have more details.

In addition, Glen Stenson and Lindy Scialla were interviewed by Paul Leffler, a radio personality from Fresno, Calif. Mr. Leffler has interviewed Glen on several occasions and is a supporter of our veterans.

In business you will grow or you will recede but never remain stagnant. Post 1 is currently, and hopefully short term, experiencing a temporary tightening cash flow. Please support Post 1 by attending activities — lunch, hamburger and spaghetti nights, special occasion events, and the bar. We will weather the storm as new activities are being planned. Thank you for your membership and support you give to Post 1. This is not unique to Post 1 as all organizations such as ours are in the same position. Together we can overcome.

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From The Adjutant

by Patrick Burch

Fall greetings to all! Your Post continues to adapt to the ever changing circumstances of the modern world. As most of you no doubt
know we are faced with a decreasing membership which means less revenue to support the Legion charitable activities and operation of the Post. I appeal to all to participate in as many Legion functions as you
can and volunteer if you are able. In addition, if you know of anyone who might enjoy membership in any of the family of organizations, please encourage them to join. For the Post to continue to operate and
thrive we must remain financially viable. In order for the Post to continue we absolutely must have sufficient cash flow, and this comes from our operating income. So please be
involved and do what you can to involve
others in all our activities.

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From the Unit President

by Christina Lilly

District 6 fall convention happened on October 9. Our Deb Davis is the District 6 President. She relayed that membership in the National
organization declined last year by 100K members. National attributes that to lack of outreach to the membership. Have you felt disconnected from the unit? Would you
like us to reach out to you via phone,
letter, or email?

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    Every year the LCW Post 1 Color Guard makes a sizeable donation of socks and underwear to homeless veterans. This year was no exception. On Friday, October 22, six guard members took $1,300 worth to Step Denver, a residential recovery program for men with nowhere else to go. The money for the donations is raised through the annual car show, Easter Sunday breakfast, and donations made when they are requested to present colors at various events outside of the Legion. Thank you to all who come out and support our Color
    Guard events each year!

  • S.A.L. News


    S.A.L. had a busy July and August. On top of our normal dinner nights, we also participated in a cou- ple of fun events.  First was the 193rd Military Police Battalion's carnival. As you might have guessed they had
    an eventful year. It was a privilege to volunteer at their car- nival. Using a popcorn machine bor-
    rowed from Commander Pitchford, countless kettles of popcorn were popped and consumed by smiling
    families. Thank you to the Commander, Scott, Spencer, John, and Tom for all the help.

  • 40&8


    Voiture 97's major fundraising efforts include but are not limited to Hamburger/Spaghetti Nights, special dinners, and our annual Turkey Shoot. We use funds raised to provide local Nursing Scholarships, an annual BBQ at Fitzsimmons Assisted Living facility, and support for Ameri anism
    education, and Youth Sports.

    We recruit veterans who genuinely demonstrate a desire to assist not only in the above initiatives but in the welfare of all Veterans and their families. It's impossible to give a full description of all we do but this is my effort to clear up some of the confusion about our purpose.
    We support all efforts by the five families that make up LCW Post 1, as well as State and National endeavors, which provide assistance to veterans and their families.

  • American Legion Riders


    Good day to my fellow family members of The American Legion. This will be short and sweet. Today's
    effort is all about helping the American Legion Riders. Yes, you read this correctly, the American Legion Riders need help. Now people have told me all my adult life I need help. Perhaps that may be accurate, but that's not what I'm talking about.

    Every year, the Riders sponsor a family or two for the Christmas holiday. This year, we need some help
    in finding a family in need for the  holidays. We have only a couple of rules we don't work around.

    1: They  must be the family of either a deserving veteran, or active-duty member.

    2: They must really need some help. Individuals can be members of the Reserve, Guard, or true active-duty personnel.

    Worthy families'information can be shared with/given to either myself or my Vice President, Lenny Mares. We need this as soon as we can get it.

This Month's Events

  • November 9th - LEGION & AUXILIARY
    MEETINGS 7 p.m.

  • November 10 - United States Marine Corps 246th Birthday

  • November 14th -Auxiliary BREAKFAST
    10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

    6 p.m.

  • November 27th - Auxiliary Craft Fair
    9 a.m.-4 p.m.

  • Karaoke will be once a month on a Friday night and Bronco games on all the TV's will be starting September 12th .

Next Event:

November 9th - LEGION & AUXILIARY


  • January/February 2021
  • March/April 2021
  • May/June 2021
  • July/August 2021
  • September/October 2021
  • November/December 2021

How Far From Windsor Gardens Denver To Post 1 American Legion


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